Département de science politique et relations internationales
Faculté des sciences de la société
Fonds général UNIGE
Commission administrative du Rectorat
This conference brings together some of the leading scholars of race and racialisation from the United States and Europe. The aim of the conference is two-fold.
First, it seeks to present a wide-variety of academic studies on race, conceived as a socio-political rather than a biological category, to Swiss students, faculty and the general public, who may not have had the chance to encounter them before.
Secondly, it introduces Swiss controversies about race, and Swiss research on race, to international scholars in order to broaden the range of theoretical perspectives and examples available for academic research.
With panels on race and philosophy, politics and medicine, the conference introduces contemporary debates about race in different academic fields; with panels on the history and future of race, contemporary debates about discrimination, colonialism and multiculturalism can be explored from different perspectives. In this way, the conference seeks to promote a better understanding of race amongst academics and the interested lay public, and to contribute to democratic thought and politics in Switzerland.
Listen to two of the conference speakers - Pamela Ohene-Nyako and Naomi Michel - discuss issues on the conference agenda on the RTS radio programme Versus-penser - Comment penser le racisme aujourd'hui? (in French).